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Valiant Warrior

T-RedWolf 24

A human who’s born in the wolf tribe, neither have power nor anything extraordinary. Sia has no clue about her father and why she’s born to be a human. After her mother dead, 7 years old girl is exiled from the tribe. Believed that she is a bad luck and human does not deserve to be in the tribe. Sia has nowhere to go. She fights her fear and survives the monsters, wander in the forest until she met Theo. He only told her that he was a Knight. They start wander to many land since then. They do some quests for people in a village. With Theo, Sia has learned to use sword and grow up to be a skillful warrior. She’s brave, clam and barely fear anything until the day she came back from the knights training just to find Theo on his last breath in a burning village. He gave her his sword and shield which imprison wrath spirits. He warned her to use it wisely. It could free the spirit to attack enemy but with the grief and wrath lies deep down in her heart, it could destroy her as well. As if she was a child again, fear and grief struck her hardly. Wander all alone again struggle and caught up in the thought of revenge, she find the blacksmith to connect her sword with his to always feel that he fights and always right besides her.

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